As the steward of the Rust programming language and community, the Rust Foundation's work is spread across a variety of focus areas managed by our hardworking team. Take a look at several key Rust Foundation initiatives below.
You can find the Rust Foundation's repository on GitHub.
THE MISSION of the Rust Foundation Technology Team is to enable Rust as the most secure development language and ecosystem in the world while supporting an enjoyable and efficient developer experience for maintainers and the end-user community alike. To accomplish their mission, the Technology Team will focus on pillars of work, some of which may overlap with each other.
Ecosystem Security
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The first major technical initiative that came to the Foundation was the security initiative, with the expressed goal to help ensure that Rust and its ecosystem is as secure as possible.
Infrastructure Support
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Through monetary-style donations and engineering support, the Rust Foundation ensures that the lights stay on for Rust maintainers and developers by providing available, secure and efficient infrastructure, from continuous integration (CI) to crates.
Emerging Trends
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The Rust Foundation will stay at the forefront of emerging trends and technologies, and how Rust can be applied to enable them.
Ecosystem Evolution
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The Rust language and its ecosystem are still relatively young. The Rust Foundation will support initiatives that continue to move the language and ecosystem forward, enabling even more security and productivity for Rust developers.
Rust Software Support
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The Rust Foundation will engage with Rust-based software initiatives, either through first-party development or third-party development and support. This includes developing our own tooling for the community or bringing in projects that have asked for support by the Foundation.

Security Initiative
The Security Initiative is a collaborative effort managed and supported by the Rust Foundation to secure the Rust programming language and its ecosystem.

Infrastructure Support
The Rust Foundation provides critical tooling and infrastructure support to the Rust programming language and community, helping core maintainers do more than keep the lights on.

Community Grants Program
Rust Foundation Community Grants are financial awards and support packages that enable the further development and innovation of Rust. We offer grants for Rust maintainers, community organizers, and community members experiencing hardship.

Interop Initiative
With the support of Google, the Rust Foundation has created its new Interop Initiative to make the decision and process of investing in Rust smoother for organizations across the globe that are invested in C++.

Rust Education & Training
In 2023, the Rust Foundation began planning and developing a new Rust education, training, & certification program. While this service is not yet available, we will provide regular public updates as the work progresses.

Safety-Critical Rust Consortium
The Rust Foundation partnered with 10 founding organizations and member companies in June 2024 to create the Safety-Critical Rust Consortium — a group dedicated to supporting the responsible use of the Rust programming language in safety-critical software.

Cloud Compute Program
The Rust Foundation’s Cloud Compute Program provides free compute infrastructure for Rust Project maintainers around the world.