Rust Foundation Fellowship Program
The Rust Foundation Fellowship program exists to support and acknowledge active members of the Rust programming language community who generously contribute their time and expertise on a voluntary basis. These grants reward individuals who have helped make Rust what it is today and are key to its future success.
Rust Foundation Fellows are selected for their Rust experience and potential to enhance the community. Benefits include a monthly stipend during the Fellowship year, funding for career development, and access to mentorship opportunities.
The Fellowship application is now closed. Please stay tuned for news of future Rust Foundation Fellowship application periods.
Fellowship Benefits
Monthly Stipend
$1,500 USD per month for 12 months.
Flexible Allowance
Up to $4,000 USD for travel to relevant Rust events, training, and/or software/hardware.
Promotion of Fellowship work by the Rust Foundation through news announcements, annual reports, social media, and more.
Program Details
- Rust Foundation Fellowships support current Rust maintainers and skilled users with the potential to positively impact the Rust language community.
- Applicants in 2024 will have the opportunity to either select a self-directed or a mentored role for their Fellowship year.
- Fellowships are intended to support work already being carrying out. They are not intended to add more work to our Fellows' plates.
- Mentored roles pair Fellows with an expert in the Rust community to help develop their skills and experience in a chosen focus area.
- Fellowships do not come with special Rust Project privilege Fellows will not automatically become members of Project Teams or Working Groups.
- Fellows will not be required to set and meet specific milestones. At the end of the program, Fellows will be asked to write a blog detailing their experience for possible publication on our website.
- Each quarter,Fellows will be asked to share a brief, written update with the Rust Foundation team and participate in a check-in call.
- All Fellows will be required to adhere to the Rust Foundation’s Code of Conduct, which is an extension of the Rust Project Code of Conduct. Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may result in the Fellowship being terminated.
Fellowship Categories

Project Fellowships
These Fellowships are open to members of the Rust Project Teams and Working Groups to support contributions that serve the goals of the Rust Project Teams and Working Groups. These Fellowships will run for a period of 12 months, during which period Fellows will receive:
- A stipend of $1,500 USD per month
- Combined travel, hardware & training allowance - $4,000 (of which up to $1,500 can be spent on hardware).
If you are a team/working group member who would like to work purely on Rust Project Goals (that relate to your Team or Working Group), you should apply for a Project Goal Fellowship. If you would like to work on multiple work items (that can include Project Goals), you should apply for a Project Fellowship.

Community Fellowships
These Fellowships are open to people working to build Rust communities outside of Western Europe and North America to support work such as organizing communities and events and creating content and training materials for their communities. These Fellowships will run for a period of 12 months, during which period Fellows will receive:
- A stipend of $1,500 USD per month
- Combined travel, hardware & training allowance - $4,000 (up to $1,500 can be spent on hardware).

Project Goal Fellowships
Project Goal Fellowships are open to people working on the agreed goals (and sub-goals) of the Rust Project. Applicants do not have to be members of a Rust Project Team or Working Group, but they do need the skills and experience to be able to deliver their chosen package of work.
Project Goal Fellowships will reflect the calendar of the Rust Project goals and will run for a period of six months. Fellows will receive:
- A stipend of $1,500 USD per month
- Combined travel, hardware & training allowance - $2,000 (up to $750 can be spent on hardware). (The lower values reflect the shorter duration of the Fellowships.)
Project Goal Fellowships can be extended beyond six months if it takes longer than six months to complete the goal, or if the Fellow selects a goal from the list to work on for another six months. Applicants need not complete an entire goal or sub-goal as part of their Fellowship, but must be contributing to its completion. Applicants should read the list of goals before applying as they will need to select a goal as part of their application.
Who Can Apply?
- The Rust Foundation Fellowships application is open to anyone who will be over the age of 18 at the time of the grant award.
- Rust Foundation Fellows do not have to speak English, but they will need to be able to understand enough written English to be able to interact with members of the Project Teams, Rust Project Working Groups, and the Foundation.
- Employees of Rust Foundation Member organizations should email us at prior to completing an application to verify that being granted a Fellowship would not represent a conflict of interest.
- We welcome applications from prospective RFFs with different backgrounds from all over the world.
- Rust Foundation staff, officers, and directors are not eligible to apply for any Rust Foundation grants.
- While we cannot consider applications from those who are paid to work on Rust full-time, we welcome applications from part-time paid Rust contributors.
All Fellowship applicants must ensure that they are able to receive financial transfers from the USA. Details of the restrictions of such transactions can be found here.
Fellowship FAQs
For answers to more more general FAQs about the grants program, click here.
If your organization is interested in supporting the future of Rust’s talent and innovation through the Community Grants Program, please email us at Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated.
You can also contribute as an individual through our GitHub Sponsors page.