Rust Foundation Project Director Election Update

The Rust Foundation’s Board of Directors is composed of Member Directors, who are elected by our Platinum Members, and Project Directors, who are elected by the Rust Project Leadership Council. Both roles serve an important role in governing the Rust Foundation. Project Directors are elected for a period of two years, and as the Rust Foundation is now over two years old, it is time for the Rust Project to decide who will represent it on the Rust Foundation Board of Directors over the next two years.

What is a Project Director?

Rust Foundation Project Directors are a group of five individuals who are elected by the Rust Leadership Council to represent the interests of the Project.

Project Directors have equal voting power to our Member Directors (representatives for Rust Foundation member organizations), and have a legal duty to make decisions that:

  • Are in the interest of the Rust Foundation achieving its mission
  • Help ensure the financial sustainability of the Rust Foundation
  • Enable the Rust Foundation to meet its legal and financial obligations in the State of Delaware, where it is registered as a 501(c)(6).

How are Project Directors elected?

The Rust Project Leadership Council sets its own eligibility criteria to stand for election as a Project Director and decides its own process of selection. The Rust Foundation is solely responsible for operating the final vote.

If you are interested in becoming a Project Director, more information on how the Rust Project Leadership Council is approaching the nomination and election process can be found in this recent blog post shared on the official Rust language website.

What happens next?

After the election meeting, the Rust Leadership Council will announce the results and the new Project Directors will assume their responsibilities.

For more information, please refer to this update from the Rust Project Leadership Council shared on the Inside Rust blog.

The Rust Foundation looks forward to welcoming the newest Project Directors to the board in October!

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Rust Foundation Team

The Rust Foundation is an independent nonprofit dedicated to stewarding the Rust programming language and supporting its global community. We are run by a talented team of engineers, organizers, storytellers, and advocates for the growth of and global access to open source software.